Montag, 8. September 2014

Abbreviation finder

Abbreviation finder

Acronym Creator Trying to find a name for a company, project, algorithm, product? We are the world s largest and most comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet. Acronym Creator helps you generate a name that is an acronym or abbreviation. Acronym Finder (AF) is a free online searchable dictionary and database of abbreviations (acronyms, initialisms, and others) and their meanings.

Org provides definitions of over 70acronyms. The entries are classified into categories such as Information Technology, MilitaryGovernment, Science, SlangPop Culture etc.

Acronym Creator

With this acronym builder, abbreviation maker, name generator, label finder - whatever you call it - you can make your own acronyms and have fun. M holds hundreds of thousands of entries organized by a large variety of categories from computing and the Web to governmental, medicine and business and it is maintained and expanded by a large community of passionate editors. These abbreviations cover industries, including business, electronics. NLM Catalog: Journals referenced in the NCBI Databases Limit your NLM Catalog search to the subset of journals that are referenced in NCBI database records Enter topic, journal title or abbreviation, or ISSN : Advanced Search. TheFreeDictionary - Acronyms and Abbreviations The Acronyms section of this website is powered by the Acronym Finder, the web s most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms.

The Acronym Finder allows users to decipher acronyms from a database of over 000entries covering computers, technology, telecommunications, and the military. The Abbreviation Finder Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship of USD 5awarded to a high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement, participation and leadership in school activities and work experience. Das Schicksal ist launisch und grausam. Auf Guider finden Mitglieder viele Tipps und Anregungen für die Budgetplanung sowie unter anderem eine Checkliste wie man sich beim Online-Shopping absichert. Lock It Til You Find It.

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TheFreeDictionary - Acronyms and Abbreviations

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