Donnerstag, 10. September 2015

Irc client

Irc client

No downloads or plugins required meaning your users can start engaging in your community easily. The following tables compare general and technical information between a number of IRC client programs which have been discussed in independent published literature. Note that the Windows installers automatically download other dependencies and may require rebooting for scripting interfaces to work. IRC first arrived on the scene in 19and experienced its peak popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

By doing so, youll be able to chat with other users who have connected to the same channels on those same servers. The web widget gives you access to a large number of supported networks without any in-depth setting up. Embed an IRC client widget into your website for an instant, free live chat.


Released June 30th, 20 Released Since m is now close all translations are moved to github for now. To start, a client connects to a server (or more commonly a network of servers) where clients have either one on one conversations or group conversations in channels. For more info, please read the Shareware background.

IceChat IceChat is a popular IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Client that can be used in Windows Vista upto and including Windows 10.


Some new features in this release: Added experimental. Serving the Internet community for over two decades, mIRC has evolved into a powerful, reliable and fun piece of technology. IRC or Internet Relay Chat is a protocol that enables real-time text communications between people. Since XChat is open source, its perfectly legal. It has been tested on 64bit versions of Vista to Windows 10.

MIRC mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by individuals and organizations to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world. IceChat is a very user friendly program that can be setup in a matter of minutes. Using an IRC client, you can connect to a server and join the channels on that server. HexChat is an IRC client based on XChat, but unlike XChat its completely free for both Windows and Unix-like systems. HexChat was originally called XChat-WDK which in turn was a successor of freakschat.

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