Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2016

Drop all tables oracle

Drop all tables oracle

Based on privileges we can query oracle s alltables, usertables, allalltables, dbatables to list all tables. How to drop all the tables using one SQL query? ways to show or list all tables in Oracle database. Drop all tables in Oracle DB (scheme) - Jochen Hebbrecht Drop all tables in Oracle DB (scheme) usertables is a system table which contains all the tables of the user. Will it drop all the tables of all the schemas in the database or the query will throw an error?

SELECT DROP TABLE TABLE NAME CASCADE CONSTRAINTS FROM usertables usertables is a system table which contains all the tables of the user the SELECT clause will generate a DROP statement for every table you can run the script.

Drop all tables in Oracle DB (scheme) - Jochen Hebbrecht

If table is partitione then any corresponding local index partitions are also dropped. But what if this query is run by the DBA with a SYS or SYSDBA login (what all objects are present in the userobjects view when logged in using syssysdba user)? So this cannot be done with one SQL statement. To move a table to the recycle bin or remove it entirely from the database, you use the DROP TABLE statement. Intention is to only drop objects of Schema A. Alltables lists all tables that have user access, usertables lists all tables owned by the user, dbatables displays all tables in the database.

The SELECT clause will generate a DROP statement for every table. The easiest way to do this is to generate your DROP TABLE commands on the fly, similar to the following. This would drop all tables that belongs to user, not just one tablespace. All table indexes and domain indexes are droppe as well as any triggers defined on the table, regardless of who created them or whose schema contains them. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle DROP TABLE statement to remove an existing table.

Oracle Database automatically performs the following operations: All rows from the table are dropped. There is no DROP ALL TABLES command. An Easy Way to Drop All of the Tables in Your Tablespace in Oracle. Aber das Verständnis der nonverbalen Kommunikation trainierst Du am besten nicht nur beim Flirten. Also check whether he has received any recommendations for his work.

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