Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2018

Microsoft passwort vergessen

Microsoft passwort vergessen

If there are multiple accounts on the computer, choose the one you want to reset. To find your account address, see the Lost Account Solution and then return to this solution to reset your password. Below the password text box, select I forgot my password.

Sign in to your Microsoft account using your current password. Important If youve forgotten both your Microsoft account address and your passwor you should follow the steps to retrieve your address first, and then follow the steps to reset your password. Microsoft always keeps an eye out for unusual sign-in activity on your account, just in case someone else is trying to get into your account. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Passwort für Ihr Microsoft-Konto zurücksetzen, wenn Sie es vergessen haben.

Enter the Microsoft account address you re trying to recover. Once you ve signed in, select Security. Für den Fall, dass Sie das Passwort Ihres Microsoft-Kontos vergessen haben, erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Microsoft-Passwort online oder mithilfe der Xbox Konsole zurücksetzen.

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Choose the reason you need your password reset, then click Next. Follow the steps to reset your password. If you forgot your passwor either select Forgot my password and follow the steps. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store.

Or, for deeper account sign-in issues, see How to reset your Microsoft account password. Step 1: Welcome to the Lost Password Solution. Reset your Microsoft account password you use to sign in to your computer.

If you don t know or can t remember the address for your Microsoft account, see That Microsoft account doesn t exist for tips about how to recover it.

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If you re travelling to a new place or using a new device, we might ask you to confirm that it really is you. Hinweis: Wenn Sie sich nicht mit einem Microsoft-Konto bei Windows anmelden und Ihr Windows-Anmeldekennwort ändern müssen, weitere Informationen unter Zurücksetzen des Kennworts für das lokale Windows 10-Konto. To reset your password: Go to the Reset your password page. By clicking , I agree that I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services. On the sign-in screen, type your Microsoft account name if it s not already displayed.

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