Montag, 24. September 2018

Lan speed test android

Lan speed test android

A few weeks ago, I just wanted to test the speed of my local network between my Android based mobile and my computer due to slow file transfer problem. LAN Speed Test (Lite) The Lite version of LAN Speed Test is a standalone portable executable of 122KB and basically an older free version of the shareware program. Main Features: Test the speed of wireless network or even wired network (ethernet) Speed test of your router Test the Download and Upload Spee bandwidth Save the past of Wifi speed test automatically, including download and upload spee ping, signal strength.

Wifi Speed Test app is a wifi speed and local network (LAN) speed meter. LAN Speed Test was designed from the ground up to be a simple but powerful tool for measuring file transfer, hard drive, USB Drive, and Local Area Network (LAN) speeds (wired wireless). Test your Internet connection bandwidth to locations around the world with this interactive broadband speed test from Ookla.

First, you pick a folder to test to. LAN Speed Test (Lite) is fully functional with no time limits, etc. LAN Speed Test (Lite) is fully functional with no time limits, etc.

Android Headlines All News Top Best Speed Test Apps for Android.

Unfortunately, I was not able to find any useful LAN speed test application, however there were a lot of Internet speed test applications (but they cant test the speed of the local network). Its an easy to use tool for measuring the speed on your LAN by copying a file to another computer that is located on the same local network. That s why there are so many Speed Test apps available on the Play.

LST Server can be installed on any computer in your network (it is not limited to just a server). The best speed test for your Ethernet network. This will give your network s true performance. LAN Speed Test will measure file transfer, hard disk, USB Drive and Local Area Network (LAN) speeds (wired wireless) on a Windows system. Using LAN Speed Test with LST Server writes the test file to the server s memory and takes the hard drive out of the picture.

After installing LAN Speed Test v it begins in (Lite) mode. Only some of the more advanced features are disabled. Alex has written for Androidheadlines since 2012. EA S schreiben die verbal gemeinsam entwickelte Bildergeschichte auf. Zitate ber Kommunikation, die dir helfen, dich an das.

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