Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018

Twitch commands watchtime

Twitch commands watchtime

They are listed by their respective scripts, with the commands and a short explanation on what the commands do and how to use them. Formatted string is a string with the following mustache-tagged parameters: name - username. rTwitch: rTwitch is an unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website. Controls: Command name (and trigger) User level, what is the minimum level for commands use (from everyone - Super Moderator). Contained on this page are the commands for PhantomBot.

Status - offline, live, or playing a playlist. username is the Twitch user being looked up. This command will allow you to lift a permanent ban on a user from the chat room. As part of an attempt to cut back on the number of repetitive threads on rTwitch, we are trying to provide a short list of posts from Reddit s search function that may help you.

This command will allow you to permanently ban a user from the chat room.

Twitch!watch command(s) - mIRC - Hawkee Commands:!Watchtime Will display the total time of the user that is watching your stream.!Totalwatch Will display the total users that are watching your stream.!Watchnicks Will display all the users that are watching your stream, and total time if exist. If you want to provide feedback, ask a Press J to jump to the feed. Command aliases set alternative names for command.

Usage: ban username, or by clicking the Cancel symbol either directly in chat or on the user badge which appears when clicking on a username. The search found the following for you: Twitch Watch Time Command (Relevancy Chance) We hope these links will be helpful. Command List was last updated on for PhantomBot v. How many points the commands cost (default is 0) User cooldown in seconds.

Twitch!watch command(s) - mIRC - Hawkee

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